Abdullah Al Azad

Explorer of Possibilities.

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Founder & Managing Director, Kueens.

Teacher | Designer | Marketer

Let me introduce myself. I’m Abdullah Al Azad, a cheerful tech enthusiast originally from Chattogram, now thriving in the bustling city of Dhaka where I live with my family. My journey began in school with a passion for technology, including a memorable attempt to create a social website with friends. After completing my SSC and HSC, and navigating a challenging university period while supporting my family, I launched my professional career.

I started at Udvash Academy and soon moved to iFlexSoft, where I spent five transformative years in various roles. Now, I’m excited to have ventured into entrepreneurship with 'Kuees.xyz,' an e-commerce platform for clothing and accessories, and I’m also exploring freelancing opportunities in web development, digital marketing, and property brokerage. Each day is a new adventure, and I’m enthusiastic about the opportunities ahead, eager to embrace every challenge and grow along the way.

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